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Simple Overview of Workers’ Compensation

Workers' compensation is a no-fault program, meaning that the employee is entitled to benefits — even if the employee was responsible for his or her own injury.

What matters is that the injury happened while on the job.

You could get hurt by:

One event at work.

  • For example: hurting your back in a fall, getting burned by a chemical that splashes on your skin, getting hurt in a car accident while making deliveries.


Repeated exposures at work.

  • For example: hurting your wrist from doing the same motion over and over or losing your hearing because of constant loud noise. 

Basic Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Medical Treatment: Paid for by your employer, to help you recover from an injury or illness caused by work, including doctor visits and other treatment services, tests, medicines, equipment, and travel costs reasonably necessary to treat your injury.

Temporary Disability Benefits: Payments if you lose wages because your injury prevents you from doing your usual job while recovering.

Permanent Disability Benefits: Payments if you do not recover completely.

Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits (if your date of injury is in 2004 or later): Vouchers to help pay for retraining or skill enhancement if you don't recover completely and don’t return to work for your employer.

Death Benefits: Payments to your spouse, children or other dependents if you die from a job injury or illness. 


Mileage Reimbursement: Calculate mileage and expense totals related to medical treatment by using this form.

Types of Workers Comp Benefits

The laws and procedures in workers’ compensation are complicated. What applies to another injured worker may not apply to you. 


Schedule a free, easy to use, and secure video call consultation with an experienced workers compensation attorney from Reyes & Associates today. We take pride in providing clear answers.

Our job is to protect your rights, plan a strategy for your case, gather information to support your claim, keep track of deadlines, and represent you in hearings before a workers’ compensation judge.

Any person who makes or causes to be made any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement or material representation for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers’ compensation benefits or payments is guilty of a felony.


Cualquier persona que a sabiendas haga o cause que se produzca cualquier declaración o representación material falsa o fraudulenta con el fin de obtener o negar los beneficios o pagos de compensación al trabajador será considerado culpable de un delito grave.

Reyes & Associates, P.C.
Pasadena Office

3219 E. Foothill Blvd. 
Pasadena, CA 91107
Phone: (213) 383-6244
Fax: (213) 383-6243

Reyes & Associates, P.C.
San Diego Office

1761 Hotel Circle South, Suite #270
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: (619) 546-8110
Fax: (619) 546. 8107

Important Disclaimer: This website is attorney advertising. The information included on this site is meant for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.

Aviso Importante: Este sitio web es la publicidad del abogado. La información incluida en este sitio es para propósitos informativos solamente y no constituye consejo legal y no establece una relación abogado-cliente.

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